Strength I Don’t Have: Felicity Loughrey, Brisbane

Strength I Don’t Have
Core strength
I injured my knee running and went to a physiotherapist on Brisbane’s Queen Street Mall. In her office, above the Zara-shopping crowd, she asked me to do a series of knee-bend squats. With a serious look on her face, she said, “You have no core strength.”
Upper body strength
Twenty years earlier, I went to a gym with my friend Tanya in suburban Canberra. The try out session began in an office consultation room where I was asked to do a series of exercises. After some failed press ups, the gym instructor told me: “You have no upper body strength.”
To say no to the last piece of Toblerone, the last prawn or another glass of champagne
Am officially the girl who wants more.
Strength I Do Have
Watch one more episode
Self-explanatory. Although I do have a midnight cut-off. I won’t queue a fresh episode after 11pm. Rules are rules.
Google everyone I know
Every evening is a roulette wheel of who to Facebook stalk from my past. I’ll go years back on their Instagram posts. Study their comments in the replies section on Twitter. Explore forgotten corners of Wikipedia until my phone is hot or runs out of battery or I’m lying on my side while the device charges.
Send a cold email
I have no shame in sending an email to anyone and everyone. I love email. I put this down to being an expat teen on a British army base. I wrote feverishly on pale blue Lettergrams to everyone and anyone. Email is just an extension of that obsession.
Felicity Loughrey is the co-founder of Summer Stories, a new shower essentials line from Brisbane that showcases local ingredients. She has a newsletter and an awesome podcast called Head Ovary Heels. Follow her over at @felicityloughrey or