Joy: Editor’s Letter

It’s a funny thing, the notion of joy. I’ve always thought of it in connection to youth, that unbridled joy that comes with innocence and inexperience. But as I get older, it seems to be the thing I yearn for the most.
We seem to lose our sense of lightness as we grow. Of course we do. Life, for all its beauty, also burns us in so many ways and we become scarred. We know that things can go wrong, so we worry. We have more and more responsibilities, more people to care about, babies to look after and long term relationships to navigate. So, with all that, how do we find the joy? Or is it gone forever, in a puff of smoke along with youthful looks, smooth thighs and an ability to drink our weight in wine without a hangover the next day?
I’m here to say no. We deserve joy, in every day and in every way. Sure, we can’t escape the load of our lives, but we can bloody well find the time to joy ride – and do it often. So let’s add joy onto our to-do lists… and put it right up at the top. Forget the people who’ll frown on us having fun and find your lightness. Start tiny or go big. I turn forty this month, so I’m going big. Because I want the fun. I’ll bring it and I’ll take it. Let’s make that our mission for now, because is there any other job more incredible than finding the joy? I think not.
Kate Pascoe Squires
Editor, The Slowdown Press